Our Trendspotters give us an unfiltered kid-first view of the world

Our unique ethnographic, longitudinal panels of kids and teens 7-16 in the UK, US and China, recruited carefully for representation across gender, age, ethnicity, religion, socio-economics and location​.

A mix of leaders and followers, introverts and extroverts​, during our regular face time with them they give us raw, authentic intel on all everything going on in their world. ​  

Now with seven years’ worth of insights, we have created a formidable qualitative database of information, opinions and trends.


always-on knowledge with  Pulse

Beano Brain Pulse shares always-on trends emerging from our Trendspotters conversations, compiled into 12 releases over the year. Having identified TikTok, Fortnite, The Norris Nuts and Prime for brands well before they hit the mainstream, this is the insights report you need to have your finger on the Pulse. 

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Never be out of the loop with scan

Beano Brain Scan gives you a monthly overview of the key trends causing a buzz amongst kids and teens. Compiled by our team of kids and teens experts from their regular conversations with the Trendspotters, our Scan reports give a view of the trends we predict are the ones to watch for Gen Alpha and Gen Z.

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Get a comprehensive overview with review

Beano Brain review is a quarterly report which provides a comprehensive deep dive into Gen Alpha and Gen Z.

It helps brands reflect on the year by identifying the most important trends, insights and key seasons, utilising all of Beano Brain’s proprietary insight tools, frameworks and expertise.

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